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The EVR platform was developed as a procedural tool derived from the National Strategy for Reducing Seismic Risk, approved by Government Decision No. 1442/2022. It serves for the rapid visual assessment of buildings, in accordance with RTC 10 — 2022 Methodology, approved by OMDLPA No. 3231/14.12.2022 and published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I No. 1221 and 1221bis of 20.12.2022. The EVR platform is part of the Territorial Observatory managed by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA). Law No. 212/2022, regarding certain measures for reducing the seismic risk of buildings, with subsequent amendments and completions, introduces the obligation for the rapid visual assessment of buildings and sets deadlines for the initiation and completion of rapid visual assessment procedures by the beneficiaries of the National Program for the Consolidation of High Seismic Risk Buildings (PNCCRS).

The rapid visual assessment of buildings (EVR) presents the following benefits:

  • Simplified methodology for seismic assessment without detailed engineering analysis;
  • minimally established information so that the inspection can be carried out from public areas by observing the building from the outside, without requiring inspector access to the property, regardless of its ownership form; low application costs per building;
  • Does not require special human and technical resources;
  • Can be applied within a short timeframe;
  • Establishes a priority level (score) for investments to ensure the safety of buildings against seismic action, considering the seismic vulnerability characteristics of buildings constructed according to the quality assurance system in construction and the general construction practices at the time of their completion;
  • Obtaining an overview of the seismic vulnerability of the building stock to characterize representative types of buildings;
  • Allows for the prioritization of investments to ensure the safety of buildings.
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    The rapid visual assessment does not constitute a seismic evaluation of buildings as defined by the Seismic Design Code P100-3. Through rapid visual assessment, it is not possible to classify buildings into seismic risk categories. If a building has a technical seismic assessment conducted based on the current provisions of P100-3, the conclusions of this assessment can be used to replace the results of the rapid visual assessment, at the request of the beneficiary of the technical assessment.
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    The EVR platform ensures:

  • The collection and storage of field data regarding the seismic vulnerability of buildings in a standardized format, within visual assessment programs;
  • The verification of entered data and its validation following the assessment and reception process;
  • The development of a centralized database on building characteristics for seismic risk management;
  • The creation of an inventory of buildings at the level of authorities conducting rapid visual assessment programs.
  • The generation of reports, filtering tools, statistical processing tools, and export in user-accessible, editable formats.
  • Within the application, there are multiple types of user accounts with differentiated rights based on their category, and their access to the created information files is role/profile-based:
  • The coordinating authority is any central or local public authority or any other entity that owns buildings.
  • The program manager can be an individual employed in a specialized department of the coordinating authority, a public institution with specific responsibilities for program implementation, or a legal entity providing program management services to the coordinating authority on a contractual basis.
  • The supervising engineer is an individual, a civil engineering professional qualified in structural engineering for buildings, with experience in seismic evaluation of buildings and determining associated seismic risk. They provide specific consultancy to inspectors during field inspections, verify forms completed by inspectors, assess the relevance of using existing information from public databases, assist in interpreting program results, and propose adjustments to base scores and penalty factors for particular building cases identified during inspections, with the agreement of the coordinating authority.
  • Inspectors are individuals with a Level 6 (bachelor degree) qualification in civil engineering, installation engineering, architecture, or urban planning, or students in undergraduate or master programs in civil engineering, architecture, or urban planning.
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    The EVR platform will be used in rapid visual assessment programs initiated and implemented by public entities, local or central authorities, or any other entity that owns buildings. Its purpose is to inventory the building stock and rank buildings in terms of seismic risk to prioritize investments for securing buildings against seismic actions. At the level of each authority, certain criteria can be established for phasing the rapid visual assessment process, which may also take into account a series of available information regarding relevant building characteristics, such as the construction period, height regime, structural seismic damages, or exposure level. For questions and suggestions regarding the platform functionalities, please use the contact form.